1. Avoid the pressure to make big sweeping (often unrealistic) "resolutions". Setting goals that are too grandiose or long term when you are already in an emotional or energetic low is just overwhelming and can heighten any feelings of discontent and negative self awareness if the goal isn't getting off to a running start. Instead take baby steps - set small achievable realistic goals for each day so that you can feel accomplished and celebrate your achievents on a daily basis. If you are absolutely set on a long term goal, then be sure to break it down into smaller manageable sub goals or daily steps and avoid focusing on the goal as a huge whole unless the completed vision somehow feeds into your motivation.
2. Take a look at how you spend your emotional energy - are you using up valuable reserves by harboring old angers and resentments? The Ontological release of anger (a state of being you choose and step into vs. psychological analysis of pros and cons) not only frees the person or people you've perhaps held anger towards but also frees up all the energy used to hold and feed the anger. Make a list of the things from the past you are ready to let go of and see where else that energy can be used more effectively.
3.Try something creative - having an artistic outlet can do wonders for the "soul". Release the need to judge the outcome - it doesn't matter if it is "good" or not, just the act of expressing thoughts or feelings creatively opens up dormant energy centers and facilitates a connecting doorway between the unconscious and conscious minds that will support your alignment with your "higher self".
4. Take an inventory of energy draining hazzards around you - Are you surrounded by people who drain and exhaust you? Are you taking on issues of others that don't belong to you? Do you give your power away by letting other people invade your emotional space? If the answer to any of these is yes then it's time to reevaluate your personal space boundaries and remind yourself that you have choice as to when, how and with whom you invest your energies. We can't always cut energy drainers out of our lives but we can change ourselves in relation to them and control how we allow them to affect us.
5. Listen to your body and respect its needs - if you are physically exhausted and need to sleep, give yourself permission to do that but be sure that when and how much you are sleeping is ecological to your life and well being - if you are sleeping a lot during the day as a way of avoiding or withdrawing, this may be a sign of a different issue then just low energy. Don't get me wrong, I support and adore good afternoon naps but too much daytime sleep can be counter effective in ramping energy and can have a negative psychological effect on people. As we've all heard many times a good nights sleep is optimal and hugely important for mental and physical health so perhaps it's about getting to bed a bit earlier and ensuring that best "sleep hygiene" practices are incorporated into the nightly routine.
6. Clear your space - they say a cluttered home creates a cluttered mind. I know for myself this is very true and that I function much better in a clean and well organized space. If doing this all in one shot is too overwhelming then go back to step one and break tasks down into baby steps - even cleaning out one small drawer a day will feel like a good accomplishment and continued over time, will lead to a big impact.
7. Get reacquainted with your "best self" - who are you when you are functioning at your very best? What's different about you then? What do people notice most that's positive and what are the qualities you possess that inform that? These are the qualities that are most likely core values you posses - more states of being then action words (e.g. Fun, adventurous, peaceful, strong, kind etc.) Make a list of those qualities and pick two or three that resonate for you the strongest making them part of your daily intention. "Today I will bring my qualities of fun and adventure to every situation and interaction"
8. Remember to reach out - if these dark days of winter have you hibernating in isolation, chances are people close to you are feeling the same way too. Nothing can give you boost like a good laugh with a friend - it's really true that laughter is the best medicine. Or, maybe it's just about the peace and validation that comes from knowing someone else feels the same way you do.
9. Move your body - you've heard this one before but here goes, exercise is your body's natural anti depressant. Again, if it's not the time for a lofty intense fitness goal start small - even a 15 minute walk in the cold air can be enough to invigorate and refresh.
10. Consider working with a professionally trained Life or Personal Development Coach - At the risk of making a shameless endorsement of my own profession, it's well documented that working with a professional coach can help a person define realistic and achievable goals for positive change, develope a viable strategy and action plan, capitalise on motivators and available resources and see the goals through to completion.
I wish all of you a Happy and Fulfilling New Year and if yours is getting off to a slower then desired start, I encourage you to give at least one or two of the above suggestions a whirl - there's no harm in trying and the results may just surprise and energize you.
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