Friday, April 9, 2010

Knowing Who We Really Are

Our value system is at the heart of much of what we do, think and feel - they motivate us, they guide us, they attract and repel us from certain people, yet many, if asked, would have a hard time identifying what their specific values are. Not only are we often unconscious of our own values, but often as well, we somehow fall into alignment with value systems not even belonging to us. All of this is usually happening on an unconscious level and all we are aware of is a general feeling of imbalance, un-fulfillment and unhappiness.
In my work, I frequently encounter people who are feeling "stressed out", unhappy in what they are doing and unclear as to what choices or future direction to take. When I see this, the direction I go in right away, is re-acquainting my clients with their core value system, thereby allowing them to start making conscious actions and choices in alignment with their true selves. When this change occurs, the difference is amazing - choices and direction become clear, motivation is renewed, personal power is restored and things just start to flow or fall into place, the reason being that all parts of us start to work in harmony with each other versus working at crossed purposes.
If you are wondering about exploring your own value system, you can start by just taking some time to contemplate the following:
1. What were some "peak" moments in your life? What made them great? Why were they important to you? What are the words that sum up these times?
2. Who are the most special and influential people in your life? Why are you drawn to them? What qualities in them do you admire most?
3. What kind of people do you try to avoid and why? What are the qualities they possess that don't fit with you?
4. When do you feel most "alive"? What is the quality or driving force behind those times?
5. When are you most "out of sorts"? What's different about those times?
6. Think back to a time you felt really angry - what value was being violated within you at that time?
These are just some of the ways to bring you back in touch with your inner guidance system that if followed more consciously, will always lead you in the right direction.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Using Perceptual Shifts to Access Deeper Information

When my clients are feeling stuck with a challenge, and feel like they have exhausted all options and possibilities, often they are only seeing the issue through their own perspective and habitual thinking mode which for anyone can have its limitations. I have found that enabling them to shift their thinking frame to a different perceptual orientation is significantly effective in facilitating access to instant answers, deeper insights, hidden options, creative solutions and more resourceful ways of viewing the situation. If you or someone you are working with is struggling with a problem, challenge or conundrum, try one of the following ways of viewing it from a different perspective and see if it helps!
1. Pretend you have access to a time machine that could fast forward you to a time where the issue or problem was fully resolved. Ask yourself , looking back, what you did, leading up to that point to have solved the problem.

2. If the situation involves another person, put yourself "in their shoes", becoming them for a moment or become a "fly on the wall" looking down on the problem and ask yourself how the situation is different from this vantage point.

3. Ask yourself, what movie is your problem or situation reminding you of right now? How do you want the movie to end? What would need to happen to make it end that way? What character are you playing? Is there another character that you could be instead who would be more helpful in this situation?

4. Imagine that an "expert" in the kind of situation is there with you, and that you can ask them for their advice, ask your question and see what the expert has to say.

5. Imagine you are holding a "How-To Manual" in the subject field of your question or problem. Tell yourself that this book contains the answers to your problem and that when you open it, the answers will be right there. See yourself open the book and notice what it says - you may see a picture, words or you may even hear sounds. If the answer you receive requires clarification check the next page or imagine that there is another chapter that will have those answers or steps.